The Patern of People Participaton of Island Society of Dendun Village, Bintan Regency
This study is based on a tendency occurred up to the present time regarding the pattern of people participation in village Dendun development, Bintan regency, Indonesia. The participation pattern is a functional condition of development in an island community. Therefore the participation of development is aimed to let the people be the subject of development which was performed so far. So that the pattern of people participation in strengthening people roles can be beneficial effects because it is suitable to local people needs. The purpose of this research is to know the pattern of people's participation in the development of Dendun island of Bintan Regency, Indonesia. The method use is qualitative which describe observation result, interview, and thematic analysis. The result of this research shows that the pattern of people participating in the development of Dendun village is obviously passive and incentive. It is caused by the pattern of people's income depends on the sea activities. government should adjust the habitual condition of these people. It is different from the pattern of their participation in developing their ritual activities such as build their worship place. Findings show that people are actively participating and not incentively in developing their mosques. Even the findings tell us how they and entrepreneurs all contribute to the development of worship places. The conclusion is that development covered by religious nuance will certainly encourage the spirit of activating people's participation and togetherness in physical development than other general participative developments.
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