SWOT Analysis Close The Borders Indonesia - Timor Leste In Handling COVID 19
SWOT Analysis, Borders, Covid-19Abstract
Handling COVID-19 in border areas between countries must have a high level of vigilance because conditions in some developing countries are very apprehensive due to diplomacy problems that still have conflicts from several sectors. This paper aims to analyze the impact between the two countries, namely Indonesia and Timor Leste in handling COVID-19 in the border area. The analytical method used is using SWOT and descriptive qualitatively which is then analyzed in depth. The results show that the SWOT analysis has an impact on cooperation between the two countries that have strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats where the spread of COVID-19 disrupts diplomacy internationally. Diplomacy that must be strengthened includes strengthening supervision in maintaining health protocols and limiting the entry and exit routes between the two countries.
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