Tourism Sector Bureaucratic Reform Strategy in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic; Cases of Bintan
This paper discusses how tourism conditions in Indonesia are currently changing the pattern of bureaucratic reform in public services during the covid 19 pandemic. The case study taken in Bintan Regency aims to see how tourism activities involve local governments in providing public services to the people of the Regency. Bintan. The method used is a literature study by examining more deeply the secondary data which is then analyzed in depth according to the facts and data by emphasizing the existing phenomena. The results of the study show that bureaucratic reform in the tourism sector must have a strategy by changing the mindset of actors involved in sustainable community empowerment. This is due to the importance of bureaucratic reform by involving local communities so that participation in public services can be realized properly during the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, bureaucratic reform must be carried out from the government level to the community level so that public services can have a positive impact. good and can provide an example of bureaucratic reform in the tourism sector in Indonesia.
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