Minimarket-Based Goods Needs Analysis in 14 Districts in Makassar City


  • Indriaty Wulansari Universitas Atma Jaya makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia


Model, Need Goods, Minimarket


The growth of minimarkets in the city of Makassar shows a very large number. The magnitude of the growth of outlets is in line with the increase in the mobilization of goods transport (fleet) that will distribute goods. Minimarket goods storage warehouses (Alfamart, Alfamidi, and Indomart) are located in the Makassar Industrial area (KIMA). This research is descriptive-quantitative. The purpose of this study was to analyze the amount of goods needed based on minimarkets in 14 sub-districts in Makassar City. The results showed that there was a simultaneous effect between variables X and Y with the regression equation Y=3.712+0.193x (R2=0.914) for packing containers and there was also a simultaneous effect between variables X and Y with the equation Y=16.909+0.156x ( R2 = 0.868) for packing koli. From this model, it can be predicted the amount of goods needed for daily needs in 14 sub-districts in Makassar City. Prediction results show that Biringkanaya, Panakkukang, and Tamalate sub-districts require more distribution of goods than other sub-districts. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for the government in terms of licensing the establishment of outlets in order to minimize the level of population mobilization in meeting their needs

Author Biography

Indriaty Wulansari, Universitas Atma Jaya makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Department of Civil Engineering


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How to Cite

Wulansari, I. (2021). Minimarket-Based Goods Needs Analysis in 14 Districts in Makassar City. Policy and Social Review, 1(1), 37–44. Retrieved from


