The Importance of Public Participation in Performance-Based Budgeting in Indonesia
Performance, Budgeting, Public Participation, Literature ReviewAbstract
Public participation is defined as participation in all processes and stages of decision-making, whether manipulative or spontaneous, in preparing the public sector budget to help the government achieve financial goals and improve coordination between departments within the government. Help create efficiency and equity in providing public goods and services through a prioritization process. The research method used qualitative with literature review studies. Secondary data analysis was carried out using triangulation techniques according to the concept of performance in public budgeting. The results show that performance is supported by good cooperation between community participation and stakeholder involvement in order to create good governance in public budgeting. In addition, it is also essential to supervise, monitor, and evaluate the budget to create quality government performance. So in its implementation, public budgeting-based performance in Indonesia must prioritize increasing professionalism in providing public services so that social justice can be created in the context of the welfare of the Indonesian people in the future.
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