Pemberdayaan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah dalam Mendukung Blue Economy di Kawasan Perbatasan
Blue Economy, Border Area, Coastal CommunityAbstract
Coastal communities are a group that is relatively behind economically, socially (especially regarding access to education and health services), and culturally compared to other community groups. The condition of coastal or fishing communities in various areas is generally characterized by several characteristics, such as poverty, socio-cultural backwardness, and low human resources (HR). Education about the Blue Economy in Border areas aims to generate a flow of economic growth while ensuring the preservation of resources and protecting the environment in the maritime and fisheries sector. This education was provided to MA Amanatul Ummah. The pre-test results were obtained by MA Amanatul Ummah students who did not know about the Blue Economy in Border Areas. After being given education, there was an increase in knowledge, namely blue economy policies in border areas. It was concluded that community service towards MA Amanatul Ummah students was to support the Blue Economy in border areas.
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