Pelatihan Menulis Buku dari 0 – Terbit

Upaya Mendukung Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Guru dan Budaya Literasi


  • Diah Siti Utari Stisipol Raja Haji Tanjungpinang
  • Rianto Rianto


The purpose of the training which is organized by the Association of Teachers of Republic Indonesia in Kepulauan Riau Province is to provide knowledge and insight for teachers or educators as training participants in developing their talents and potential as researchers and writers. The group targets in this training are teachers who work at various education levels of school or Islamic schools in all districts and cities in Kepulauan Riau Province. Through the training activities, it is hoped that teachers can develop their talents and potential through activities included in the Sustainable Professional Development (PKB) which is very useful in supporting the development of teacher careers as professional educators. The method of implementing the Book Writing training from 0 up to publication is carried out online through 2 (two) stages of activities which is consist of the material delivery by the two resource persons and collaboration with independent assignments and online book writing counseling guidance until the completion at the book publication stage. From the results of the research which had been conducted, the implementation of the training went well for 6 days which could be seen from the achievement of the training results. There were several works of writing from the teachers as trainees who had achieved the process of editing, ISBN publishing, and publication in book form.


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