The Strategy for Developing Village Tourism: A Case Study of Kampung Patin, Kampar Regency, Riau
Development, Community, Village Tourism, Strategy, EmpowermentAbstract
This study aims to analyze the strategy of community empowerment in the development of the tourist village of Kampung Patin, Kampar Regency, Riau. The informants in this study were the Tourism Office for Institutional Relations and Development, the Village Head of Koto Mesjid, the Director of Bumdes, Pokdarwis, the Koto Mesjid village community, and visitors of Kampung Patin. Data were collected using observation, interviews, documentation. The results of this study indicate that the village of Koto Mesjid held several programs with the formation of Pokdarwis creative economy training and culinary presentation. The management program in facilitating tourists also synergizes by providing good facilities and accommodation such as transportation, homestay, souvenirs, and processed food from catfish. In addition, in providing attractiveness, advertising is held in the form of banners, banners, and social media. The driving factors are the presence of adequate natural resources, good relations between the government and local communities and the establishment of significant cooperation between the village government and the tourism office.
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